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Aircraft cable manufacturers take you to understand: the main reason for the failure of low-voltage power cables
- Classification:Industry news
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- Release time:2021-01-25
- Views:0
(Summary description)Aircraft cable manufacturers tell you that cables are an important medium for power transmission. During the use of the cable, various failures often occur. The following aircraft cable manufacturers will introduce common cable faults and the causes of cable faults to help you better understand cable faults and the standard usage of wires and cables. What are the common cable faults? What are the main causes of cable failure?
Aircraft cable manufacturers take you to understand: the main reason for the failure of low-voltage power cables
(Summary description)Aircraft cable manufacturers tell you that cables are an important medium for power transmission. During the use of the cable, various failures often occur. The following aircraft cable manufacturers will introduce common cable faults and the causes of cable faults to help you better understand cable faults and the standard usage of wires and cables. What are the common cable faults? What are the main causes of cable failure?
- Classification:Industry news
- Author:
- Origin:
- Release time:2021-01-25
- Views:0
Aircraft cable manufacturers tell you that cables are an important medium for power transmission. During the use of the cable, various failures often occur. The following aircraft cable manufacturers will introduce common cable faults and the causes of cable faults to help you better understand cable faults and the standard usage of wires and cables. What are the common cable faults? What are the main causes of cable failure?
Common cable faults:
Aircraft cable manufacturers tell you that common faults in cable lines include mechanical damage, insulation damage, insulation moisture, insulation degradation, overvoltage, and cable overheating faults. When the above fault occurs in the line, the power supply of the faulty cable should be cut off, the fault point should be found, the fault should be checked and analyzed, and then repair and test should be carried out. After troubleshooting, the power supply can be restored. The direct cause of cable failure is breakdown caused by insulation degradation.
The main causes of cable failure are:
a. Overload operation: The aircraft cable manufacturer tells you that long-term overload operation will cause the temperature of the cable to rise and the insulation aging, thereby destroying the insulation and reducing the quality of construction; b. Electrical aspect: The construction process of the cable head does not meet the requirements, and the sealing performance of the cable head is poor. Moisture penetrates into the cable, reducing the insulation performance of the cable; when laying the cable, no protective measures are taken to damage the protective layer and reduce the insulation; C. Civil engineering works include: aircraft cable manufacturers tell you that the well pipe is poorly drained, and the cable is immersed in water for a long time, which will damage the insulation; the working well is too small, and the cable bending radius is not enough. Long-term external force squeezing will damage the cable. Mainly mechanical brutal construction in municipal construction, cable excavation and excavation; d. Corrosion: The protective layer has been subjected to chemical corrosion or cable corrosion for a long time, which causes the protective layer to fail and reduce the insulation; e. Aircraft cable manufacturers tell you that the quality of the cable itself or the cable head accessories is poor, the sealing of the cable head is not good, the dissolution and cracking of the insulating glue will cause the resonance phenomenon of the station and become a disconnection fault. The line-to-line capacitance and the grounding capacitance and the excitation inductance of the distribution transformer form a resonant circuit to excite the ferromagnetic resonance.
Resonance hazard caused by disconnection fault:
The aircraft cable manufacturer tells you that the open circuit resonance is severe, the superposition of high frequency and fundamental frequency resonance will cause the overvoltage amplitude to reach 2.5 times the phase voltage [P], which may cause the system neutral point to shift and the winding And the wires may have overvoltage. Aircraft cable manufacturers tell you to cause insulation flashover, lightning rod explosion and electrical equipment damage. In some cases, the phase sequence of the load transformer may be reversed, and overvoltage may be transmitted to the low-voltage side of the transformer, causing injury.
The aircraft cable manufacturer tells you the measures to prevent resonant overvoltage disconnection:
(1) Do not use fuses to avoid non-full-phase operation;
(2) Strengthen line inspection and maintenance to prevent disconnection;
(3) Do not hang the no-load transformer on the line for a long time;
(4) Adopt ring network or dual power supply;
(5) Increase the interphase capacitance on the distribution transformer side.
(6) The use of transformers with better excitation characteristics helps reduce the possibility of damage and overvoltage.
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